Placement & Grid system

The building mechanic is a core feature in any city builder game, and this holds true in Prosperio as well. To ensure a user-friendly experience, grid-based placement has been implemented, making building placement intuitive and easy to navigate. The grid is dynamic—placing a building will mark the corresponding grid cells with red color as occupied, while special objects like farms with wheat fields will be highlighted with different colors. The grid plays a key role in simplifying building management, offering players clear visual cues to guide their construction decisions.

Road System

Whether or not to place roads in Prosperio is entirely up to the player, as it's an optional feature. However, the road system significantly boosts logistics efficiency. When peasants use roads, their movement speed increases, which is especially helpful when a peasant, slowed, for example, by a cart full of logs, needs to transport them to the lumberjack. Establishing well-planned road connections between production sites can greatly enhance the overall efficiency of industry.


The efficiency and survival of the entire village in Prosperio heavily depend on the management system. Certain tasks, such as building, can only be carried out by peasants who are not assigned to specific jobs. However, many essential roles, like lumberjack, farmer, woodcutter, and baker, require dedicated workers. Maintaining a balance between assigned and unassigned peasants is crucial for smooth village operations. Additionally, working peasants consume more food, which directly impacts the village's economy, making careful resource management even more important.

Production chains

Prosperio features production chains that require careful planning. For example, you can't make bread out of thin air - you must first grow wheat at a farm, then process it into flour, and finally bake it in a bakery. As a player, you must balance the number of buildings involved in each production chain to ensure smooth operation. If the production chain becomes unbalanced, it can lead to disruptions and resource loss, making efficient management essential to avoid bottlenecks or waste.

Research system & Perks

Some processes in Prosperio require fine-tuning and configuration. For instance, when baking bread, the player must set the amount of flour, the temperature, and the number of kneads. There are several ways to find the optimal settings: you can experiment by adjusting these parameters randomly until you achieve the perfect result, but this can be time-consuming. You could try searching online, but keep in mind that the settings are randomized and unique to each session. Alternatively, you can initiate research at the University. By investing resources into scientific research, you may unlock valuable discoveries - such as the precise, optimal configuration settings for your production processes, or perks, that may improve efficiency of production.

Published 19 hours ago
StatusOn hold
AuthorFortie Eighty
Made withGodot
TagsCity Builder, Godot, Management


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